Inet Freshers is steadfast to protect the privacy of our users and we are doing our best to make the users comfortable while using the portal. This is to make sure that the information submitted by the users will be strictly private . This Privacy Commitment only applies to data gathered on the web site (the "Web Site"), and it will not be applicable to any other information or web site.
Please read the entire terms and conditions carefully before accepting it. INET Freshers has the right to alter and change the terms and conditions at any time and it is the duty of visitor to check the updates by frequently visiting the web page because it binds you. The term “You “refers to all the users who are registered and visiting the website
Information About All the Users
We use to gather some information about the users such as frequent visiting areas, jobs that has been preferred most, and the various services that has been accessed by you etc in a collective manner. This is purely for the welfare of the users accessing the website. By using those information we will increase the website quality so that more number of users will be benefited. It is the right of INETFreshers to access those information and we will not provide it to the third parties. In some cases we will ask you to provide some information such as users experience in accessing the website etc This is an initiative to deliver you the best site experience.
Information About you specifically:
In INETFreshers we have a registration process, users need to fill a form which contains all the information about them. Such as your name, mail-id, mobile number etc. we use these information to contact you if there is any changes in the portal and we will make you aware, we can also use your information to provide information about the various services that has been offered by us. In case of any new jobs that has been posted we will alert you through e-mail, Its purely for the welfare of the candidates who register with us.
General Information Disclosure:
We will not disclose any of your information about specific visits to INETFreshers job portal or any of your personal information such as your name, mobile number, e-mail id etc to any of the third parties except when we believe sharing your information is required which is applicable under law. INETFreshers has the right to share your information with our partners.
INETFreshers is a job portal exclusively for fresher’s . During the registration process we collect resume from the candidates and it will be stored in our database, if the candidate applies for a particular job in our portal candidates resume will be forwarded to the concerned recruiters id. We will ensure you that your resume will not be accessed by unauthorized users but we will not be responsible if any unauthorized users access your resume. We share your information only with our trusted partners and there will not be any sort of unauthorized information access from our side.
Users can submit feed back to us , feed back once submitted it will become property of INETFreshers. We have the right to use this feed back for marketing and other purposes . We have the right to use those feed back.
Privacy Commitment Changes:
INETFreshers has the right to alter and change the Privacy commitment and the changes will be updated in the web page. If there is any queries you can mail us.
Refund policy:
We are creating platform for freshers to choose their career path. We are offering number of services candidates has to pay prescribed amount to avail certain services.INet Fresher’s has the right to cancel the services at any time without any prior notice. If a candidate withdraws from any services in between, under any occasion the subscription amount will not be refundable. I Net Fresher’s have the right to accept and cancel the subscription of any candidate who has been registered for the services. Candidates have to register with us to access our services and it is the sole responsibility of candidate to maintain the user id and password. If a candidate register for service it is the sole responsibility of candidate and you may not authorize others to use your membership and you may not assign or transfer your account to any other person or entity. INet Fresher’s has the right change the subscription fees at any time and we have the right to change any service to paid one.
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