There are times when we may collect personal information from you such as name, physical address or telephone number. It is our intent to inform you before we do that and to tell you what we intend to do with the information. Generally, you will have the option not to provide the information, and in the future you will be able to "opt out" of certain uses of the information. If you choose not to provide the information we request, you can still visit the Bookmyshow website, but you may be unable to access certain options, offers and services. Bigtree will not sell, trade or disclose to third parties any information derived from the registration for, or use of, any online service (including names and addresses) without the consent of the user or customer (except as required by subpoena, search warrant, or other legal process or in the case of imminent physical harm to the user or others). Bigtree will allow suppliers to access the information for purposes of confirming your registration and providing you with benefits you are entitled to.
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